Step 3(A):
Obstructions out of the way, you are ready to make
your move towards the frog.
Move your arm slowly till your hand is hovering about an inch or two away
from the frog.
When you are confident that a quick close of your fingers into a fist
will contain the frog, go for it quickly.
Overshoot the frog if you must and take the vegetation it’s sitting on
along with the grab.
Get it into the ziplock bag or bottle before it escapes your hand.
You’ve got it!
Or, in some cases the grab might require a two-hand
process. If the vegetation is flimsy you might want to place your other
hand into position on the back side of the grab. This becomes a little
more difficult, but possible. If more than one person is available, the
second person should be prepared to receive the frog into a transportable